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Innovation Management


445 Dexter Avenue Suite 4050 Montgomery, AL 36104

Three Secret Cybersecurity Solutions Revealed

According to the global consortium on digital marketing, the headline above should pique your interest with its combination of keywords, adjectives, and promises. You know better than that. The irony, you probably recognize, is that the assumption that such a headline will predictably capture your attention, one supported by lots of data, also contributes to the increased vulnerability of your network. Here are three ways that happens.

The 123s of APTs

A. Advanced analysis of seemingly disparate data over time creates a fairly distinct picture of user habits and preferences. Just as marketing professionals (aka algorithms) can use this picture to predict your next shoe purchase, hackers use the data to get to know you. The more sophisticated of these call it target development, and they choose specific targets within organizations. Before you declare your organization immune to this, consider the most useful tool in their toolbox: Google.

P. Persistent attacks on your network are often invisible. Patient hackers use social engineering techniques to worm their way in the door to better understand your key vulnerabilities. Teams of specialists join forces to exploit opportunities they identify, spearphishing selected personnel or deploying RATs to quietly control your network from a distance.

T. Threats to the confidentiality, accessibility, and integrity of your network and data are fully realized when you, as a target are “pwned” or owned. The team of covert operatives then begins to extract selected files and data before making a clean extraction, usually without making their presence known at all.

Advanced Persistent Threats are almost impossible to identify and even more difficult to mitigate. They pose significant threats because the attackers are more heavily invested in a profitable outcome, taking extra precautions to remain undetected, preserving their ability to fight another day.

Cybersecurity Now Easy and Cheap!

Contrary to the SEO-optimized headline above, there are no easy solutions to APTs. ICS can be a vital part of your defense with services like vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, and prevention is a lot easier and dramatically less expensive than recovery. If you like the sound of that math, you should really hear the rest of the story.

ICS’s Successful Food Drive!

ICS held a remarkable food drive this year, setting a new standard for corporate community involvement. Engaging multiple teams across the corporation, including the “Trouble

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